Liquid 1.1.3
Released under the Eclipse Public License
This project is an attempt to create a text editor for editing Clojure files and Markdown files. It operates primarily in a terminal, but with dynamics and extensibilities inspired by Emacs and Vim. The best place to start is to watch the demo video.
To install, add the following dependency to your project or build file:
[mogenslund/liquid "1.1.3"]
A buffer could be considered a slider (see slider) with some extra attributes, besides attributes to keep track of name, filename, dirtyness, undo information it consists of
Public variables and functions:
- apply-to-slider
- backward-visual-line
- changed-on-disk?
- create
- create-from-file
- create-slider-from-file
- dirty?
- find-next
- find-prev
- force-reopen-file
- forward-visual-line
- get-action
- get-filename
- get-highlighter
- get-keymap
- get-name
- get-slider
- reopen-file
- save-buffer
- set-dirty
- set-highlighter
- set-keymap
- set-point
- set-slider
- set-undo-point
- tmp-buffer
- undo
- update-mem-col
- update-modified
The editor is the central point of Liquid. Most of the data is immutable, but the editor has a ref, also called editor. It contains the state of the editor.
Public variables and functions:
- add-command
- add-file
- add-interactive
- add-keybinding
- add-keymap
- add-rootfolder
- add-searchpath
- add-snippet
- add-to-setting
- add-window
- apply-to-slider
- backward-char
- backward-line
- backward-word
- backward-word2
- beginning-of-buffer
- beginning-of-line
- buffer-names
- changed-on-disk?
- clear
- context-action
- copy-context
- copy-file
- copy-line
- copy-selection
- create-buffer-from-file
- current-buffer
- current-window
- delete
- delete-char
- delete-line
- delete-selection
- delete-to-end-of-line
- delete-window
- dirty-buffers
- dirty?
- drop-tmp-keymap
- editor
- end-of-buffer
- end-of-buffer?
- end-of-line
- end-of-word
- end-of-word2
- enlarge-window-below
- enlarge-window-right
- escape
- eval-last-sexp
- eval-safe
- eval-sexp
- evaluate-file
- evaluate-file-raw
- find-char-previous
- find-continue
- find-continue-opposite
- find-file
- find-next
- find-prev
- first-non-blank
- force-quit
- force-reopen-file
- forward-char
- forward-line
- forward-page
- forward-word
- forward-word2
- fullupdate?
- get-action
- get-available-functions
- get-buffer
- get-char
- get-content
- get-context
- get-default-app
- get-default-highlighter
- get-default-typeahead-function
- get-filename
- get-folder
- get-frame-columns
- get-frame-rows
- get-highlighter
- get-key-list
- get-keymap
- get-line
- get-mark
- get-name
- get-point
- get-rootfolders
- get-searchpaths
- get-selection
- get-slider
- get-spacemap
- get-top-of-window
- get-windows
- goto-definition
- handle-input
- hide-selection
- highlight-sexp-at-point
- insert
- insert-line
- insert-line-above
- join-lines
- kill-buffer
- new-buffer
- other-window
- paste
- paste-after
- paste-before
- point-to-mark
- previous-buffer
- previous-real-buffer
- previous-real-buffer-same-window
- prompt-append
- prompt-input
- prompt-set
- prompt-to-tmp
- quit
- quit-on-exception
- record-macro
- remove-buffer
- remove-mark
- reopen-all-files
- reopen-file
- replace-char
- request-fullupdate
- reset
- run-macro
- save-file
- search
- search-files
- select-sexp-at-point
- selection-active?
- selection-cancel
- selection-set
- selection-toggle
- set-default-app
- set-default-highlighter
- set-default-keymap
- set-default-typeahead-function
- set-eval-function
- set-frame-dimensions
- set-global-key
- set-highlighter
- set-keymap
- set-mark
- set-setting
- set-slider
- set-spacekey
- set-tmp-keymap
- set-top-of-window
- set-undo-point
- setting
- sexp-at-point
- shrink-window-below
- shrink-window-right
- split-window-below
- split-window-right
- swap-line-down
- swap-line-up
- swap-windows
- switch-to-buffer
- switch-to-buffer-same-window
- tmp-do-macro
- tmp-test
- top-align-page
- top-next-headline
- top-of-window
- typeahead
- undo
- unhide
- update-mem-col
- updated
- updates
The slider is a basic construction resembling the most fundamental actions of a text edtior.
Public variables and functions:
- after
- backward-visual-column
- backward-word
- before
- beginning
- beginning-of-line
- beginning?
- clear
- clear-marks
- create
- delete
- delete-line
- delete-region
- dirty?
- end
- end-of-line
- end-of-word
- end?
- find-next
- find-next-regex
- find-prev
- find-prev-regex
- forward-line
- forward-visual-column
- forward-word
- forward-word2
- get-after-list
- get-char
- get-content
- get-context
- get-linenumber
- get-mark
- get-meta
- get-point
- get-region
- get-region-as-slider
- get-visible-content
- get-visual-column
- hidden?
- hide-region
- highlight-sexp-at-point
- insert
- insert-newline
- insert-slider
- insert-space
- insert-subslider
- is-newline?
- left
- left-until
- look-ahead
- look-behind
- mark-paren-end
- mark-paren-start
- pad-right
- point-to-mark
- remove-mark
- right
- right-until
- select-sexp-at-point
- set-dirty
- set-mark
- set-meta
- set-point
- sexp-at-point
- slide-marks
- slider
- slider?
- string-ahead
- swap-line-down
- swap-line-up
- take-lines
- unhide
- update-top-of-window
- wrap
A namespace for shell like utils in clojure style.
Public variables and functions:
Public variables and functions:
- buttom-adjacent
- buttom-aligned
- create
- delete-window
- enlarge-window-below
- enlarge-window-right
- get-buffername
- get-columns
- get-left
- get-name
- get-rows
- get-top
- get-towid
- left-adjacent
- left-aligned
- right-adjacent
- right-aligned
- shrink-window-below
- shrink-window-right
- split-window-below
- split-window-right
- top-adjacent
- top-aligned