help.txt word-completion.txt Word completion Word provides a typeahead list of suggestions based on the word under the cursor. The suggestion buffer works like a regular buffer except insert mode works as a filter. The suggestions are based on functions from required namespaces and optionally from a word list. ============================================================================== Usage Type something, then press TAB. A buffer is created below the cursor. Continue typeahead. When the target suggestion is displayed press ESC to enter normal mode. Now use j and k to move the cursor between the suggestions. Press ENTER to choose. Press ESC a couple of times to cancel. ============================================================================== Specifying wordlist A wordlist can be specified by setting the setting :word-list-path. On Linux systems there are usually a wordlist on the path: /usr/share/dict/words To use is add the following to your .liq file: (editor/set-setting :word-list-path "/usr/share/dict/words")