Temporary page for try outs

This page is temporarily working as a page for experiments! 


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Headline 2

Here is a bulleted list: 


  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • ### Headline 3 


    Code sample

    Here is some code: 


    (defn delete
      "Deletes amount of characters to the left of
      the cursor. So delete 3 of
      aaabbb|ccc wil result in
      [sl amount]
      (let [tmp (take amount (sl ::before))
            linecount (count (filter #(= % "\n") tmp))
            n (count tmp)]
        (when (= (count (filter list? tmp)) 0) ; Only delete if not hidden
          (assoc sl
            ::before (drop n (sl ::before))
            ::point (- (sl ::point) n)
            ::linenumber (- (sl ::linenumber) linecount)
            ::totallines (- (sl ::totallines) linecount)
            ::marks (slide-marks (sl ::marks) (- (sl ::point) n) n)))))



             red  colors  ╭────────╮         toyota  avensis
          yellow         ╰─┤ Center ├── cars          aygo

    Plain html


    The next section will be untouched: 


    As is