help.txt snippets.txt                                       


Copy, modify and evaluate the snippets below to change the behavior of Liquid.


Evaluate the ns below to have all the requires for the snippets in this 

    (ns user
      (:require [clojure.string :as str]
                [liq.editor :as editor]
                [liq.buffer :as buffer]))

Modify keybindings

    (editor/add-key-bindings :fundamental-mode :normal
      {"-" {"r" #(editor/message (rand-int 100))}})

Evaluate the snippet. Now pressing "-" and then "r" will print a random number
in the output area.

Add actions
    (editor/set-command :showtime #(editor/message (java.util.Date.)))

Evaluate the snippet. Now time is shown when typing ":showtime".

Buffer actions

      #(editor/apply-to-buffer (fn [buf] (buffer/insert-string buf "----"))))

Type command ":my-buffer-action" and "----" will be inserted into the editor.

Show UIs

    (javax.swing.JOptionPane/showMessageDialog nil "Hello")