help.txt parinfer.txt Parinfer ============================================================================== Requirements This feature parasitize Parinfer Rust needs to be installed, for this mode to work. ============================================================================== Enabling To enable parinfer in the current buffer use the command :parinfer or just :p. To disable use :parinferoff or just :poff. ============================================================================== Set parinfer is default for Clojure files To enable parinfer for clj and cljc files add the code below to the .liq file. This will check the file extension when a new buffer is created through the new-buffer-hooks. (ns user (:require [liq.editor :as editor] [liq.buffer :as buffer])) (editor/add-new-buffer-hook (fn [buf] (if (and (buf ::buffer/filename) (re-matches #".*.(cljc?)" (buf ::buffer/filename))) (update buf ::buffer/major-modes conj :parinfer-mode) buf))) The hook functions take a buffer as input and returns a buffer. In this case the returned buffer has a modified major-modes list.