liq.buffer | liq.commands | liq.editor
liq.editor/add-new-buffer-hook ([fun]) Add function: buffer -> buffer to new-buffer-hook liq.editor/apply-to-buffer ([idname fun] [fun]) Apply function to buffer liq.editor/current-buffer-id ([]) Highest idx is current buffer. So idx is updated each time buffer is switched. liq.editor/get-setting ([keyw]) Get value given key from settings liq.editor/previous-buffer ([n] []) n = 1 means previous liq.editor/previous-regular-buffer ([n] []) n = 1 means previous liq.editor/previous-regular-buffer-id ([n] []) n = 1 means previous liq.editor/set-exit-handler ([exit-handler]) Exit handler is the function to be called, when exit is called. This function usually depends on the environment Liquid is running in. Java or NodeJS for example. liq.editor/set-output-handler ([output-handler]) Sets "device" (map with output functions) for displaying buffers. See :help output-handler for more details. liq.editor/set-setting ([keyw value]) Add a key value pair to settings