help.txt datastructures.txt Data Structures Overview of the datastructures used in Liquid. These are simplified examples designed to give an idea of what the keys and the value types are in the different hash-maps. ============================================================================== state ::commands {:left ^:motion #(buffer/left %1 %2)} ::buffers {} ::modes {} ::new-buffer-hooks [] ::settings {:auto-switch-to-output true} ::exit-handler (fn []) ::window nil ::output-handler (fn []) ::repeat-counter ::last-action ::skip-number ============================================================================== buffer ::name "" ::filename "" ::lines [[{::char \a} {::char \b}] [{::char \c ::style :string} {::char \d}]] ::lines-undo () ::lines-stack (list {::lines lines ::cursor {::row 1 ::col 1}}) ::line-ending "\n" ::hidden-lines {} ::cursor {::row 1 ::col 1} ::selection {::row 1 ::col 1} ::window {::top 1 ::left 1 ::rows 20 ::cols 80} ::mem-col 1 ::tow {::row 1 ::col 1} ::mode :normal ::encoding :utf-8 ::search-word "" ::dirty false ::major-modes [:clojure-mode] ::editor/id ::editor/idx ============================================================================== major-mode :insert {} :normal {} :visual {} :syntax {}