help.txt commands.txt Commands Commands are activated by typing ":" in normal mode. If for example a file is open, it can be saved by typing :w. To quit Liquid type :q or :q! to force quit, discarding changes. ============================================================================== Modify commands In this section there is a simple example on how to create a command that acts on a buffer. The steps are: 1. Load relevant namespaces 2. Create a function that takes a buffer and evaluates to a buffer. This function sort of "encapsulates" the change. 3. Register the function as a "colon" command Just type "c p p" in each form below to live-update Liquid with the new command. (ns user (:require [liq.editor :as editor] [liq.buffer :as buffer])) (defn move10 [buf] (buffer/right buf 10)) (defn move10action [] (editor/apply-to-buffer move10)) (editor/set-command :move10 move10action) or (swap! editor/state assoc-in [:liq.editor/commands :move10] move10action) Now type :move10 in normal mode. Then ENTER. The cursor will move 10 times to the right The command can also be used for keybinding, like this: (editor/add-key-bindings :help-mode :normal {"C-t" :move10}) The (editor/apply-to-buffer ...) function takes a buffer -> buffer function and converts it to a 0-arity function (action) that applies the function on a given buffer or the current active buffer. Example with command taking parameters: (ns user (:require [liq.editor :as editor] [liq.buffer :as buffer])) (defn move-n [buf n] (buffer/right buf n)) (defn move-n-action [& args] (let [n (Integer/parseInt (or (first args) "10"))] (editor/apply-to-buffer #(move-n % n)))) (swap! editor/state assoc-in [:liq.editor/commands :moven] move-n-action) Try it by typing ":moven 20" in normal mode