[X]INT SPECIAL INTELLIGENCE UNIT AARHUS, DENMARK 2024-09-25 Greetings Prospect, Welcome to the Special Intelligence Unit! You have been selected for this unit based on your analytical skills and loyalty towards the Nation. The Special Intelligence Unit is part of the Secret Surveillance Network (SESN), which you have most likely never heard of. The unit supports SESN with any kind of intelligence and technical expertice including: SIGINT, ELINT, IMINT, MASINT, GEOINT, FININT, and any other [X]INT To perform well, analytical and creative skills are needed. In many cases great programming or scripting skills will be of significant advantage as well. Due to the sensitive nature of the cases, only minimal information will be provided, for the tasks to be completed. If you do well, access to higher levels and more complex cases will be granted. Consider Level 0 a playground to explore the framework: https://salza.dk/xint/level0 P.S Should you find errors, get stuck or have comments, please feel free to contact me at salza(at)salza.dk